Idealized Week - Day 4

12:56 PM

Oh dear, I do not like doing house chores. So I ended up only doing half of the ones I had planned on.

get up: 7:45am
xwear something creative / do hair
xmake a smoothie or eat breakfast
xgeneral picking up / cleaning
xwater the plants
talk to my family
PM Yoga
xtake supplements
bedtime: 11:30pm

50% success rate on Wednesday. But I do think that picking up was a good addition. The house is still grimy, but at least clear of clutter.

I didn't get a chance to talk to my family because they are biking around the San Juan islands this week without me! How do people manage to see their loved ones and maintain full time work? This is one of those very specific situations where my priorities feel very off. It seems obvious that this whole experiment is just a way to help myself make skewed priorities seem normal.

Two weeks vacation in a year seems so unsustainable. Time is so valuable.

Contentedness while attending to priorities, on a scale of 1-10 = Angsty

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