AND the report is returned within the 9 days

8:54 AM

Click here to download the 17 page Economic Summit Response

So far Dayton has listed the programs that are out there, which is nice, and I personally have seen the youth job corps program in Saint Paul succeed, so I can feel confident that many of the other programs listed are greatly benefiting the community as well.  The new ideas I see stemming from this 17 page Economic Summit Response are the following excerpts:

"Effective immediately, the Dayton Administration will re-launch the Urban Initiatives Board (UIB) to create jobs and strengthen minority enterprise development." (followed by details) -page 14

"Through DEED, our Adminisration will immediately dedicate $300,000 to launch a FastTRAC program offered to 100 unemployed and underemployed residents in North Minneapolis who need skills for employment. FastTRAC will integrate work, occupation and college readiness skills leading to an industry-recognized credential certificate and sustainable jobs and careers." -page 16

I'm pretty skeptical in general of what even higher-ups can do to change large problems which is why I try my best to participate in however small movements of change by normal people doing their best to understand and be good to each other. But these are some good initiatives (why was the UIB ever taken out of commision??)

This article breaks the plan down further and offers a knowledgeable reaction/critique.

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