10:40 AM

A month ago, it felt like we skipped spring and went straight into summer.

Swimming and Scrabble on the beach, two weeks ago.

Now we are getting more of that spring weather and I feel like the world is in transition. This morning a tiny baby kitten walked out from behind the foliage. If you've read earlier notes of mine, you know more cats is not a good or reasonable thing for our neighborhood. I can only guess how many more are coming at the arrival of this one. I guess its kitten season: Lemmy and Shiva turned 1 this week. Life lately has been beautiful, tragic, wonderful and sad. Changes, growth and death saturate the world around me like the humid air.

The earth produces growth! I recently enjoyed our Americorps retreat and volunteering on this organic farm. Tory and I have been busy landscaping and taming our jungle of a yard and it is now manicured into the American dream (without the fence) with healthy sod and raised garden beds where tomatoes, herbs, cucumber, broccoli and an abundance of onions are loving the wet weather.

Tragedy yet small amounts of warmth in huddle with the loss of Joke's youngest sister.

Roomate bonding and dancing into the night.

The city is beautiful. I am happy in this place.

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