This video is a good snippet of why I long for summer. Today was the warmest day of the year so far, and reminded me that it is not always hard to live here. I literally skipped from the house to the car while I carried buckets of water and comfortably washed our new little VW. Our neighborhood is so quiet right now and has been all winter. Interestingly though, I am constantly meeting new young people and families who just bought a home in North Minneapolis or who say they've been thinking about moving here and want to hear all about it. And I get really excited and am more than willing to oblige. It is so unique to join in on a transformation that people have been working toward for a long time, at a moment where it's showing signs of growth. I'm mainly gauging growth right now based on 1. The sheer number of people I meet that are investing in the area or considering it, 2. How passionate all of these people are about where they are, and 3. What I read in the Northside News, which is fantastic. Tory showed me this article over breakfast a few days ago about an neighborhood about 10 blocks from our place.
This is partially nostalgic for me having grown up in Canada and made similar igloos when I was younger, but also heartwarming to see people diverse in age and race getting to know each other and enjoying their community even in the middle of a bitter Minnesota winter.